Among the excellent work the partnership did to achieve accreditation, a PhD student along with the communications team created two social norm videos. For the videos, students on campus were asked to guess the answers to various questions about students and drinking - to address their misconceptions.
The videos – one of which can be watched below – were promoted during Alcohol Awareness Week in November and Alcohol Impact week in January, on social media and other channels.
In addition to the awareness-raising videos, the Keele partnership made informative stickers for alcoholic drinks – reaching around 6000 students. They also piloted an early evening alcohol-free event at the local trampoline park, called ‘Flip Out’. The event was so popular that it sold out in under an hour, and will be the first of many!
Much of the Alcohol Impact initiatives were student-led, in order to keep students central to the process of alcohol behaviour change. For example, Tea and Toast offers students a space for a snack and a cuppa before or after a big night out.
Congratulations to all involved!